4-H Branding and Marketing

The K-State Research and Extension and Kansas 4-H co-wordmark is to be included on all 4-H marketing and publishing materials including print, digital, apparel, and merchandise. This applies to all designs created at the local, county, and district levels. Official licensed vendors are to be used. Reach out to your local Post Rock District Extension Office if your club, council, or fair board are planning t-shirts, prizes or other products that are for 4-H members. We can also get you the correct wordmarks to use on graphics and fliers.

K-State Research and Extension/4-H Co-Wordmark Policy

4-H Name and Emblem Use Handbook

Kansas 4-H Promotional Resources

Kansas 4-H Digital Marketing Resources

Kansas 4-H Print Resources

KSU/4-H Color Palettes


4-H Emblem Large Green 4-H Emblem Black 4-H Emblem White
Logo Logo logo
Logo Logo Logo