4-H Club Charter


Club Charter EmblemThe 4-H charter is the only document that officially recognizes a 4-H club. The 4-H charter is a symbol of recognition as a 4-H club that subscribes to the Kansas 4-H Youth Develop­ment Program. Every organized 4-H club (community clubs and project clubs) must apply for and receive a charter from the Department of 4-H Youth Development, Kansas State University, through the local extension office. 4-H charters are agreements. Each charter is an agreement by the club with 4-H National Headquarters-USDA on the proper use of the 4-H name and emblem. Additionally, the charter is an agreement by the club with Kansas State University, K-State Research and Extension, Kansas 4-H, and Post Rock Extension District to follow and abide by all state, district and local policies, procedures and other requirements. 4-H charters do not qualify a club as a legal entity according to state government and business policies and definitions. 4-H charters do not allow a recognized club to share their rights and privileges, like the use of the 4-H name and emblem, with any other person, group or business.

To learn more about Kansas 4-H club expectations, visit the Kansas 4-H Website > 4-H Programs > 4-H Clubs.

If you are interested in exploring chartering a new 4-H club in Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, or Smith Counties it is important to contact your local Post Rock District office as soon as possible. You will work closely with the District’s 4-H Youth Development Team to complete the steps outlined by Kansas 4-H for Starting New 4-H Clubs.