Post Rock District 4-H Events
We are excited to provide a listing of many current and upcoming events and activities available for Post Rock District 4-H members. There are so many opportunities in 4-H, and we may have missed some below. If you notice an opportunity missing, contact a Post Rock District Office.
For State & District 4-H News and additional information concerning these events, see our 4-H Newsletter . Be sure to engage with Post Rock District 4-H Insider Experience on Facebook for updates and reminder.
Summer Job Opportunities
4-H Program Assistant, Seasonal – Beloit, KS: Post Rock District is currently accepting applications for a seasonal 4-H Program Assistant. The primary season of employment is throughout spring and summer 2025. The 4-H Program Assistant is responsible for assisting with the planning and implementation of the Post Rock District 4-H Youth Development Program. An area of focus for this position will be the Mitchell County Fair’s 4-H events and activities. K-State Research and Extension’s Post Rock District serves Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, and Smith Counties. Position is open until filled. Applicant screening begins immediately. A criminal background check is required. K-State Research and Extension Post Rock District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Youth Development Internship, Seasonal – Mankato or Osborne, KS: Post Rock District is currently accepting applications two (2) seasonal Youth Development Internships. The primary season of employment is throughout spring and summer 2025. The Youth Development Intern is responsible for assisting with the planning and implementation of the Post Rock District 4-H Youth Development Program. An area of focus for this internship is planning and implementing interactive education and enrichment experiences for school-age youth audiences in Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne and Smith Counties. Programming will include topics related to life skill development, career exploration, health, wellness, and STEAM in order to meet the objectives of the partnership between Post Rock District’s 4-H Youth Development Program and the NCK Regional Health Collaborative. K-State Research and Extension’s Post Rock District serves Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, and Smith Counties. Position is open until filled. Applicant screening begins immediately. A criminal background check is required. K-State Research and Extension Post Rock District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
4-H STEM - Unmanned Aerial Systems Workshop in Salina March 15
Youth aged 7-18 are invited to a hands-on UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) workshop at K-State Salina! The event hosted by Central Kansas District is set for March 15, 2025. It will cover drone rules, flight basics, and feature a flight competition with prizes. The workshop which cost $15 (including lunch), will be held at the College Center Conference Room on the K-State Salina Campus. Sign-in starts at 10:30 a.m., and the dress code is casual. Direct questions to the Central Kansas Extension District. Each individual (including parents/guardians) must register by March 10. Register online at
Archery Qualifier in Post Rock District
Post Rock District is organizing an Archery Qualifier to take place at Waconda Lake the morning of Sunday, July 27 (tentative date). Youth must qualify in shooting sports disciplines in order to attend a state match. Qualifiers scheduled around the state are posted at the Kansas 4-H Shooting Sports website as information becomes available.
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF)
Citizenship Washington Focus is June 18 - 28. Kansas 4-H will partner with Oklahoma 4-H for the 2025 CWF road trip across the USA to experience Philadelphia, Gettysburg, the Liberty Bell, a close-up view of political process through visits to Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., and more! Details about the trip are published on the Kansas 4-H CWF event website. Registration will be available in February 2025 and spaces will be limited. If you are interested in this national 4-H experience, contact your 4-H Program Coordinator as soon as possible so we can discuss important details and support you through the application process.
Insect Art Contest Due April 15
The K-State Research and Extension Pesticide Safety and IPM Program is hosting its annual insect-themed art contest, open to all ages and skill levels in Kansas. This year, the theme is “By the Light of the Moon: Insects at Night.” The goal is to explore which insects are active or inactive at night and why, then create artwork that fits the contest theme. This would be great for 4-H members in the Visual Arts or Entomolgy projects! For contest rules and details, visit the KSU IPM website.
Interior Design & Architecture Project Update Zoom Meetings
The Interior Design & Architecture project has some updates for the Kansas State Fair - and
ultimately at your county fair. Kansas 4-H will be hosting a Zoom meeting for 4-H members
enrolled in the project on March 12 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will cover project details and explain what qualifies for the 4-H State entry. Links will be sent out by email from Kansas 4-H to those enrolled in the project, be sure to check your inbox.
Junior Meat Goat Producer Day - Saturday, March 22
The K-State Junior Producer Days are one-day educational programs through which youth, parents, extension professionals, ag teachers, project leaders, and volunteers learn about the selection and management of youth livestock projects. A variety of sessions from selection to nutrition, reproduction, and showmanship are provided by faculty, staff, graduate students, former exhibitors, and guest speakers. All ages and skill levels are invited to attend! The 2025 K-State Junior Producer Days will be hosted at the Stanley Stout Center, north of the main campus in Manhattan near the animal science units.
K-State Junior Meat Goat Producer Day is on Saturday, March 22 in Manhattan. Participants will receive a K-State Meat Goat Show Guide, t-shirt, and complimentary lunch if you register by February 26. Youth and adults must register online at
Junior Swine Producer Day - Saturday, March 1
The K-State Junior Producer Days are one-day educational programs through which youth, parents, extension professionals, ag teachers, project leaders, and volunteers learn about the selection and management of youth livestock projects. A variety of sessions from selection to nutrition, reproduction, and showmanship are provided by faculty, staff, graduate students, former exhibitors, and guest speakers. All ages and skill levels are invited to attend! The 2025 K-State Junior Producer Days will be hosted at the Stanley Stout Center, north of the main campus in Manhattan near the animal science units.
K-State Junior Swine Producer Day is on Saturday, March 1 in Manhattan. This educational event will be a fun-filled day in which youth can increase their knowledge in swine projects. Youth and adults must register by February 5 to receive a t-shirt at
K-State Alpha of Clovia Open House
Clovia is a 4-H Cooperative Leadership House located near Kansas State University in Manhattan. Alpha of Clovia is looking to connect with girls with any 4-H, FFA, or leadership experience in general. Living at Clovia is a great opportunity as it is one of the only ways to live off campus freshman year at K-State. It provides girls with a community of caring friends, accountability and fun. Clovia Open House is on April 26, 2025. More information to come!
K-State Cattlemen's Day
The 112th Annual K-State Cattlemen’s Day is on Friday, March 7 at the National Guard Armory in Manhattan KS from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The is a great opportunity for youth in the beef project to advance their education about the industry. For more information or to register online visit
Kansas State 4-H Horse Judging Contest
The Kansas State 4-H Horse Judging Contest will be held in conjunction with EquiFest of Kansas on Friday, March 21, at the Saline County Expo Center. 4-H members age 9-18 are invited to compete in the State 4-H Horse Judging Contest and the Open Horse Judging Contest. An open novice division is also available for youth age 7-18 sponsored by the KQHA. Complete information and rules are available at Registration is due by March 7 at the EquiFest of Kansas website.
K-State Invitational Meat Judging Contest
The K-State Invitational Meat Judging Contest is April 5 at KSU Weber Hall’s meat lab in Manhattan. The experience will include six classes, two set of questions, and retail ID. There will be an educational walk through after the contest. Registration will be online at Direct questions to Erin Beyer at
Kansas Youth Range Camp
The Kansas Youth Range Camp at White Memorial Camp in Council Grove, Kansas, offers high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors a unique opportunity to learn about rangeland management. Camp topics include range plant identification, plant growth, stocking rates, livestock nutrition, and wildlife management. The camp will take place June 10-13, 2025, with a cost of $300. Contact your local Conservation District for scholarship opportunities. To register, go to:
Livestock Project Spring Shows
If you are seeking opportunities related to livestock projects - like spring shows and other contests - the KSU Youth Livestock Program website provides a listing of many opportunities. It certainly
doesn’t contain every learning and competition opportunity, yet it is a great reference point as you plan for spring and summer. Visit
National Volunteer Week April 20-26
National Volunteer Week is April 20-26. This is an excellent opportunity for your family or club to execute a plan to recognize volunteers in your community and county. 4-H is successful because of contributions from our amazing volunteers! Write a special thank you note, put an ad or story in the newspaper, bake a special treat to share, go out of your way to make a personal visit, post a shout out on social media, make an announcement at a ball game, record a radio ad, create a window display, hang gratitude posters throughout town, invite guests to your next meeting, etc. April is a great month to show appreciation for all the hard work and dedication volunteers put into 4-H! It is a fantastic way for 4-Hers to express gratitude and highlight the positive impact they have on youth development and the community!
- If you would like to give a special shout out to a club leader, project leader, or another important 4-H volunteer please send a testimonial and photo to Tonia at We can share it on the Post Rock District Facebook page.
- Recognizing volunteers could be a fun activity for a 4-H club committee or a unique project for the officer team to work on together.
- Michigan 4-H has a great worksheet to help youth learn to write a quality thank you. Find it at
NCK LEAD March 29 at Cloud County Community College
Post Rock District and River Valley District are teaming up with Cloud County Community College to offer a drive-in personal development experience for 4-H members in the 6th through 12th grades. NCK LEAD will take place on Saturday, March 29 at CCCC in Concordia. Participants will engage with collegiate professionals to gain information to assist with making post-high school decisions. We are excited that the 2025 experience will include hands-on workshops exploring careers through CCCC’s new Technical Education and Innovation Center. There will also be opportunities for teens to boost their leadership skills and have fun with 4-H friends from the region. Registration fee is $20 and includes lunch. Space is limited! Register at by March 17!
Post Rock District 4-H Days and Judging Extravaganzas 2025 - February 8 and March 3
Get ready to showcase your communication skills at the 4-H Day events. 4-H Day is a great opportunity for Post Rock District 4-H members to develop and showcase their communication skills! The 2025 Post Rock District 4-H Day Guide will help determine what contests to participate in, and it includes the contest rules and other events details. Review the guide and register at
- 4-H Day #2: Osborne Jr./Sr. High School on Monday, March 3. Communication contests start at 4:30 p.m. Registration deadline is February 19.
- Virtual: It is strongly encouraged to compete at a 4-H Day in-person event. If your schedule does not allow, there are some contests that are available for virtual entry. Review the Virtual Entry Expectations for details. Registration deadline is February 19.
New in 2025, we are expanding the judging contests that are part of 4-H Day into a Judging Extravaganza! Judging Extravaganza is a come-and-go experience. There is no pre-registration required for these contests. An optional team competition of four members will be available. Study guides for each judging contest will be available mid-January at Judging Extravaganza is a great district-level activity for your achievement pin applications. The contests have been strategically planned to also compliment your project records. As an example, a life skills contest benefits all youth and can be specifically noted on any project record. An animal science related contest can be noted on any livestock or pet record. Be sure to ask your 4-H Program Coordinator for tips about listing these experiences on your project record reports!
Rock Springs Ranch Open House: Celebrating 80 Years
All are invited to attend Open House at Rock Springs Ranch on April 13 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Come and tour the property, meet the staff and learn all about the fun at Kansas 4-H Camp at Rock Springs Ranch. Registration and details are available at
Safe Tractor & Machinery Operation Training
The National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program (NSTMOP) is designed for 14- and 15-year-olds seeking employment in projection agriculture. Core content areas focused on during the one-day training include safety basics, agricultural hazards, tractors, connecting and using implements, materials handling, and more! Students are certified after successfully passing a knowledge test at the training and doing both an operating skills test and a driving test administered by their employer.
The cost to participate is $15 due to your local Extension office. Prior to the course, each participant must pick up a manual and complete a pre-test before attending the training event. For questions, contact Blaire Todd at or 785-738-3597. The flyer is on the Post Rock District website. Register online at The registration deadline is one week before the date you plan to attend. Training dates in the region include: April 5th - Ellsworth at Carrico Implement; April 26th - Beloit at Carrico Implement; May 10th - Washington at Bruna Implement Company; and May 22th - Solomon at KanEquip, Inc.
Shooting Sports Instructor Training
Kansas 4-H Shooting Sports will be having a Shooting Sports Instructor Training on May 10-11 at Rock Springs Ranch. Post Rock District can only offer shooting sports experiences that are led by certified instructors, and we are in need of more! If you are interested contact Tonia Underwood at so we can start the process for you to become a certified instructor! Starting the process by April 3 will allow you plenty of time to be approved to attend the in-person certification training. New instructors must be screened and registered as a 4-H volunteer which includes enrolling in 4-H Online, completing a background check, completing an orientation, and being approved by the Post Rock District. Before attending the in-person Instructor Training, you must also complete the National 4-H Shooting Sports online modules. You can be trained in one discipline at the state training. The cost to become an instructor is your own, but sometimes 4-H Councils will provide support to instructors that plan to host project meetings in the local county.
Small Animal Weigh-in for County 4-H Programs
- Jewell County - April 13, 3:00 p.m., Jewell County Fairgrounds
- Lincoln County - April 26, 10:00 a.m., Lincoln County Fairgounds
- Mitchell County - April 16, 4-6:00 p.m., Mitchell County Fairgrounds
- Osborne County - TBD
- Smith County - April 27, 2:30-3:30 p.m., Smith County Fairgrounds
Smith Center Livestock Judging Invitational March 25
Smith Center FFA invites 4-H members to participate in their annual livestock judging contest on Tuesday, March 25 at the Smith County Fairgrounds. Registration is due by March 20 to Monica Wagner at or 785-476-5643.
Spring into Volunteering April 26
The Kansas Association of 4-H Volunteers is hosting “Spring Into Volunteering” on Saturday, April 26 in Salina, Kansas on the K-State Campus. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the event will conclude at 3:00 p.m. This experience is for current and interested club leaders, project leaders, and volunteers. The goal is for participants to go home recharged, excited, and ready to try some new things in their volunteer roles. Fee is $20 and includes materials, snacks, and lunch. For more details and a registration link go to
Super Saturday In Colby - March 22
Super Saturday is Saturday, March 22 at Colby Community College Student Union for indoor Judging and Thomas County Fairgrounds for Livestock Judging from 9:00 a.m. to Finish! Judging Contests at this regional 4-H experience include: Crops, Entomology, Horticulture, Life Skills, Photography, Livestock Skill-a-thon, and Livestock Judging. In addition to judging contests, there are some project workshops for youth to enjoy. The event flyer with complete details is available at Register online at: