4-H Day in Post Rock District
4-H Day is an opportunity for Post Rock District 4-H members to showcase and further develop communication skills. It’s an opportunity to learn and practice skills necessary to clearly organize and present ideas and instructions through a variety of communication and presentation strategies.
February 8, Event Details
February 8, 2025 @ Beloit United Methodist Church (801 N. Bell Street)
Communications contests will take place in the morning beginning at 8:00 a.m.
No pre-registration required for Judging Extravaganza.
4-H Day #1 registration deadline is January 30.
2025 4-H Day #1 Results - Beloit
March 3, Event Details
March 3, 2025 @ Osborne Jr./Sr. High School (219 N 2nd Street)
Communications contests will take place in the afternoon beginning at 4:30 p.m.
No pre-registration required for Judging Extravaganza.
4-H Day #2 registration deadline is February 19.
Registration is Open!
Schedules will be made and emailed to participating families as soon as possible after the respective registration deadline.
Leadership and Service Volunteers
4-H members, families, clubs, and supporting adults are encouraged to volunteer to assist with 4-H Day or Judging Extravaganza. Opportunities will be available for sign-up through the online event registration process.
2025 Post Rock District 4-H Day and Judging Extravaganza Guide
Take time to review the Guide so you know all of the expectations for each 4-H Day contest and Judging Extravaganza. Contact your local Extension Office if you have any questions!
2025 4-H Day General Guidelines
Post Rock District 4-H Day age divisions are determined before January 1 of the current 4-H year.
Senior Division = 14 years and older
If you register and have a last-minute change of plans (i.e. illness), you will be allowed to adjust your registration to a contest with a virtual option.
Participants, volunteers and spectators are expected to follow the Kansas 4-H Code of Conduct. This includes behavior, presentation content, visuals, etc. Post Rock District 4-H Day is a district-level experience. Participants must be actively enrolled in the Post Rock District through 4-H Online. Cloverbud members can experience 4-H Day on a participation basis only, participating in no more than one individual area as well as no more than one group area. Youth can participate at one or both Post Rock District events; however, a participant or group cannot enter the same entry at both events.
Recorded presentations can only be submitted for judging for individual entries in project talks, illustrated talks, demonstrations, public speaking, and public service announcement (PSA). These entries are not eligible for OPS awards. Model meeting entries will only be submitted as a recorded video entry and are eligible for an OPS award. All other contest areas are for in-person participation only. All virtual entries are due to a Post Rock District Office before or on March 3, 2025. Submit by a flash drive or with a sharable online link (i.e. google drive) emailed to postrock4h@ksu.edu. Entries will be judged after the completion of the final in-person 4-H Day event and results shared with the participant as soon as available.
Judges understand virtual entries are not professionally recorded. Judges are evaluating the presenter and their presentation skills, and they will not be judging video editing skills. Presentations do not need to be video edited. Presentations should not be recorded multiple times for perfection. The best learning experience for the youth will be when the recording environment is set-up and scheduled to imitate an in-person competition. It is most important that the judge can clearly see and hear all components of the presentation they would look for during an in-person presentation. If you need assistance planning for recording a virtual presentation, contact a Post Rock District office three weeks before your desired recording date.
Each 4-H member in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Divisions will be judged based on the contest area’s expectations. Written feedback will be provided to each youth along with a white, red, blue, or purple ribbon ranking. In each contest area, one Outstanding Presentation Sensation (OPS) award will be selected from the top purples in the respective age division, if the judge determines there is an entry deserving of the award. In eligible contest areas and age divisions, youth earning a purple at a Post Rock District 4-H Day are able to participate at the Kansas State Fair. Failure to meet the expectations outlined for each contest area will impact judging scores.
QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS: Contact a Post Rock District Office. Visit our website at www.postrock.ksu.edu.
Public Presentation Contest Area
Unless otherwise stated, there is a two entry maximum per participant in each contest area as long as each entry topic is different. Unless otherwise stated, visual aids are allowed. A projector, projector screen, computer, easel, and table will be available in each presentation room. All virtual visual aids must be brought to the presentation on a flash drive by the presenter. Internet is not available. No live shooting or loaded firearms allowed.
Project Talk – Review the Kansas 4-H resources for presentation details. Cloverbud Division: One entry allowed, Time guideline 1 to 3 minutes. │ Junior and Intermediate Divisions: Time guideline 3 to 7 minutes. │ No Senior Division.
Illustrated Talk – Review the Kansas 4-H resources for presentation details. No Cloverbud Division. │ Junior and Intermediate Divisions: Time guideline 4 to 10 minutes. │ Senior Division: Time guideline 6 to 15 minutes.
Demonstration – Review the Kansas 4-H resources for presentation details. No Cloverbud Division. │ Junior and Intermediate Divisions: Time guideline 4 to 10 minutes. │ Senior Division: Time guideline 6 to 15 minutes.
Demonstration or Illustrated Talk Group – Review the Kansas 4-H resources for presentation details. Two to four 4-H members in a group, with each member having an equal amount of speaking and demonstration/illustration roles. No Cloverbud participants. │ No age division separation during judging: Time guideline 6 to 15 minutes.
Public Speaking – Review the Kansas 4-H resources for presentation details. No Cloverbud, Junior or Intermediate Divisions. │ Senior Division: Time guideline 5 to 15 minutes.
Spontaneous Speaking – Each participant will draw from the topics: Promote 4-H, Personal Interest, Current Event, Entertainment Review. After drawing, the participant will have 10 minutes to compose a talk about the specific topic. No online or print research allowed during preparation time. Participant will be provided with a writing utensil, note paper and index card. Phones and computers are not to be used. When time expires, the participant will present their talk to a judge. No visual aids allowed. No Cloverbud, Junior or Intermediate Divisions. │ Senior Division: One entry allowed, Time guideline 2 to 5 minutes.
Public Service Announcement – Entries will be a short, commercial-style live presentation which promotes 4-H. Topics may be about joining 4-H, promoting the club experience, sharing a 4-H success story, exploring a project/experience available through 4-H, etc. Presentations should be designed and presented as if they were going to be recorded for use on a media platform (television, website, social media, radio, voice-over, etc.). Before beginning, participant should introduce in 15 to 30 seconds the platform of which the presentation was designed for. Cloverbud Division: One entry allowed, Time guideline 30 second maximum. │ Junior, Intermediate and Senior Divisions: Time guideline 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
Entrepreneurship Contest Areas
These contest areas are designed for youth exploring entrepreneurship. They provide an opportunity for a participant engaging in a local Youth Entrepreneurship Contest (YEC) to have their business entry and public speaking skills evaluated. The contests are a separate yet complementary experience for all local YEC competitions.
Review the Kansas Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge rubric to learn about each contest area and to gain valuable tips. A projector, projector screen, computer, easel, and table will be available in each presentation room. All virtual visual aids must be brought to the presentation on a flash drive by the presenter. Internet is not available.
Entrepreneurship Formal Presentation – This presentation is where a participant will verbally present their business and share details of its product or service. Note cards, power points, handouts, samples, and other visual aids may be used. Following the presentation, the judge(s) will ask questions. May enter as an individual or as a group of up to four members. There is no minimum or maximum number of entrepreneurs that can present. No Cloverbud or Junior Divisions. │ Intermediate and Senior Division: Time guideline 4 minute maximum.
Entrepreneurship Trade Show Presentation – This is a contest where a participant/business has the opportunity to pitch their product or service to judges using a booth as a visual and informational aid. Judge(s) will visit each business trade show to evaluate the business idea, display, and its members ability to discuss the business and answer questions about it. Judge(s) will listen to each participant share the highlights of their business plan and high-level details of the product or service being offered. Entrepreneurs will be allowed to provide samples or handouts. Judge(s) will be allowed to ask questions. May enter as an individual or as a group of up to four members. No Cloverbud or Junior Divisions. │ Intermediate and Senior Division: Time guideline 2 to 3-minute recommendation for trade show pitch. │ Note on registration if there are any special needs for the trade show booth such as electricity, water, space beyond a standard table, etc.
Model Business Meeting
Model meetings will not be performed at 4-H Day. They will be recorded by video with audio and submitted virtually. Refer to Virtual Entry Expectations for details about how to submit and the submission detail. The meeting agenda and secretary’s notes must be submitted along with the recorded meeting. Submit before or on the day of 4-H Day. It will be judged as soon as possible following the last in-person 4-H Day event and results shared with the club. The OPS will be selected from all district-wide entries.
Music Contest Areas
Participants in any music contest area are strongly encouraged to also enter a public presentation contest area. Unless otherwise stated, one entry is allowed per participant in each contest area. A piano, seat/chair and stand will be available for use. All other instruments and necessary props must be provided by the participant. Accompanist for vocal entries can be an adult. All musical entries must begin with a 1 to 2 minute minimum verbal introduction. It might include introduction of self, name of your musical number, an interesting fact about composer, your instrument, etc. A copy of the music number to be performed is to be submitted to the judge with measures numbered. There is no virtual entry option for any music contest areas.
Chorus – No age division separation during judging: Twelve or more 4-H members in group, Cloverbuds may be included as an “extra” with purpose of participation experience only, Perform two numbers.
Vocal Ensemble – No age division separation during judging: Two to eleven 4-H members in group, Cloverbuds may be included as an “extra” with purpose of participation experience only, Perform two numbers.
Vocal Solo – Cloverbud Division: Perform one number, Number time guideline 30 seconds to 1 minute. │ Junior, Intermediate and Senior Divisions: Perform one number, Number time guideline 30 seconds to 2 minutes based on experience/skill level.
Band – No age division separation during judging: Twelve or more 4-H members in group, Cloverbuds may be included as an “extra” with purpose of participation experience only, Perform two numbers.
Instrumental Ensemble – No age division separation during judging: Two to eleven 4-H members in group, Cloverbuds may be included as an “extra” with purpose of participation experience only, Perform two numbers.
Instrumental Solo – Cloverbud Division: One entry allowed, Perform one number, Number time guideline 30 seconds to 1 minute. │ Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Divisions: Two entry maximum per participant so long as instrument used is different, Perform one number, Number time guideline 30 seconds to 2 minutes based on experience/skill level.
Dance Contest Areas
Participants in any dance contest area are strongly encouraged to also enter a public presentation contest area. Unless otherwise stated, one entry is allowed per participant in each contest area. Participants are responsible for providing their own music and radio/speaker. No live music allowed. No speaker system available. No internet available. All dance entries must begin with a 1 to 2 minute minimum verbal introduction. It might include introduction to self, description of dance style, interesting fact about dance, etc. There is no virtual entry option for any dance contest areas.
Dance Solo – Cloverbud Division: Perform one number, Number time guideline 15 seconds to 1 minute. │ Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Divisions: Perform 1 number, Number time guideline 30 seconds to 5 minutes based on experience/skill level.
Dance Group – No age division separation: Two or more 4-H members in group, Cloverbuds may be included as an “extra” with purpose of participation experience only, Perform 1 number, 30 seconds to 5 minutes based on experience/skill level.
Other Creative Movement – No age division separation during judging: Individual or group of any size, Cloverbuds may be included as an “extra” with purpose of participation experience only, Perform 1 number, 30 seconds to 5 minutes based on experience/skill level.
Dramatic Contest Areas
Participants in any dramatics contest area are strongly encouraged to also enter a public presentation contest area. Unless otherwise stated, one entry is allowed per participant in each contest area. Participants are responsible for providing their own props. The judge does not need a copy of the script/reading for reference. No speaker system available. No internet available. There is no virtual entry option for any dramatics contest areas.
Reading – May be a musical, poetry, dramatic, interpretive, humorous, or other type of reading. No visual aids allowed; however, the participant is to give the presentation with the book/binder of material in-hand. Presentations should begin with a short 15 to 45 second introduction (in addition to reading time) describing reading title, author and why reading was selected. Cloverbud Division: Time guideline 1 to 3 minutes. │ Junior and Intermediate Divisions: Time guideline 2 to 5 minutes. │ Senior Division: Time guideline 4 to 7 minutes.
Creative Dramatic or Skit – Original creations or properly secured royalty dramatics/skits/play may be used. No dramatic/skit/play is barred because of previous year use at a 4-H Day. Presentations should begin with a short 15 to 45 second introduction (in addition to dramatic/skit time) describing title, author and why material was selected. No age division separation during judging: Individual or group of any size, Cloverbuds may be included as an “extra” with purpose of participation experience only, Time guideline 15 minute maximum.
Other Novelty Talent – Presentations should begin with a short 15 to 45 second verbal introduction (in addition to talent time). No age division separation during judging: Individual or group of any size, Cloverbuds may be included as an “extra” with purpose of participation experience only, Time guideline 1 to 5 minutes.
2025 Post Rock District 4-H Day Judging Rubrics
Entrepreneurship Formal Presentation - rubric coming
Entrepreneurship Trade Show Presentation - rubric coming
Communications and Presentation Strategies Resources
Access a variety of communication and presentation strategies resources at:
Post Rock District Communications WebpageKansas 4-H Communication Fact Sheets
K-State Research and Extension and Kansas 4-H are working through some significant website updates. If there is a resource you are looking for that goes to a broken link, we apologize. Please contact your local Extension Office and we can help get you the resource another way. Below are common communications resources that may not be currently accessible through the Kansas 4-H website and KSRE Bookstore:
Kansas State Fair Presentations
In eligible contest areas and age divisions, youth earning a purple at a Post Rock District 4-H Day are able to participate at the Kansas State Fair. Find more information about fair entry and presentations expectations on the Kansas 4-H State Fair Webpage.