Judging Extravaganza

The primary objective of a 4-H judging contest experience is to provide an opportunity for youth enrolled to ­­demonstrate their knowledge of the related subject matter. Judging Extravaganza is a Post Rock District event where youth can challenge themselves through judging contests related to popular project areas as well as contests related to life skill development.

New in 2025, Judging Extravaganza will take place alongside 4-H Day in the Post Rock District. Post Rock District hosts two 4-H Day events. Judging Extravaganza will include the same contests at both events, so pick one-time to engage in the experience. With Judging Extravaganza, there will be more, interactive opportunities to complete a judging contest at 4-H Day than ever before!

  • 4-H Day/Judging Extravaganza #1: Saturday, February 8 in Beloit beginning at 8:00 a.m.
  • 4-H Day/Judging Extravaganza #2: Monday, March 3 in Osborne beginning at 4:30 p.m.

Explore more event details on the 4-H Day website: www.postrock.k-state.edu/4-h/events/4-hday/

Judging Extravaganza is a come-and-go experience. There is no pre-registration required. Participants must be actively enrolled in 4-H Online in the Post Rock District to be eligible to participate.

Youth do not need to complete the entire Judging Extravaganza at one time. If they need to leave to complete a 4-H Day entry, they can come back and finish their judging contests. In the spirit of 4-H, we ask that all participants act with integrity if they need to leave a contest and return later.

No cell phones or other devices are allowed to be used by participants while they are completing judging. Study resources cannot be used while completing judging. In most situations, participants should be able to complete the contest independently. However, there may be some unique circumstances where an adult or older teen needs to assist a young person. An adult or older teen assisting with reading, etc. for a participant must only assist with reading and understanding the instructions. Each youth needs to be given the opportunity to test their own knowledge during the contest and to work through the decision-making skills of each respective judging contest. For those who have not participated in a judging contest before, volunteers/staff will be available to explain the process to you before you start.

Age divisions will follow the same divisions declared for 4-H Day contests and each contests will have a junior, intermediate, and senior division. Cloverbuds can participate for experience only. Age divisions are determined before January 1 of the current 4-H year.

Cloverbud Division = 5–6 years old
Junior Division = 7–9 years old
Intermediate Division = 10–13 years old
Senior Division = 14 years and older

Team competition is optional. Teams include four 4-H members. Check-in as an individual and note your team name at event check-in. Team members can represent any age division, and they do not have to be from the same county or club. If you choose to be part of a team, you must complete all eligible contests. All members will be scored. Team members do not need to be present at the same time.

The contests will be the same at both the February 8 and March 3 events, so awards will combine results from both events. Each contest will have awards, in addition to overall age division winners. Youth must complete an entire contest to be eligible for the respective contest’s awards. Youth are only eligible for overall awards if they complete every contest in their age division. Team awards are only on an overall district-wide basis. Individual and team prizes will be awarded and announced at a later date after scores are tabulated.


Each contest will have study guides published on this webpage by January 10, 2025. Youth who work with adults, family members, and fellow 4-H members to explore the study guides in advance of the contest find they have more success throughout this type of learning experience.

Photography Judging: A photography judging contest will be available, prepared by the Kansas 4-H Photography Project Action Team. Study materials are available at the Kansas 4-H State Photography Judging Contest webpage.

Life Skills: Junior participants will have a class on identifying where to place information in the Project Record. Intermediate participants will have a class on SMART goals and Senior participants will have a class on resumes.

Guide to Kansas 4-H Project Records

Veterinary Science: Junior, Intermediate and Senior participants will each judge a "How to Read a Feed Tag" class and Beef Cow Body Condition Scoring class.

Guide to Body Condition

Foods and Nutrition: Here is the info to include for Foods and Nutrition Project classes. Junior participants will judge a Measuring Tools and Cooking Measurements class and Kitchen Tool Identification class. Intermediate and Senior participants will judge a Kitchen Tool Identification class and a Frosting Safety class.