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Judging Contests
The primary objective of a 4-H judging contest is to provide an opportunity for youth enrolled to demonstrate their knowledge of the related subject matter.
Below are study resources for a variety of subject matter areas that may help you prepare for 4-H judging contests.
Kansas 4-H offers a variety of events and activities which include a judging contest component. Details about the contests are on each event website.
If you are working to prepare for a judging contest related to a 4-H project, and have resources to add to the list, please reach out to a Post Rock District office. We appreciate it!
Super Saturday - Northwest 4-H Judging Event
The Northwest 4-H Judging Event, "Super Saturday" takes place each spring. The location rotates between Hays and Colby, based on the year. There are contests for entomology, photography, crops, life skills, horticulture, and livestock. Most contests will take place in the morning, with the livestock judging taking place in the afternoon. Afternoon Project Workshops are be available for those who wish not to participate in livestock judging. Super Saturday is open to youth 7-18 years old. 4-H membership is not required. Travel and fees are the responsibility of the participant.
Let your local office know if you are interested and we can help connect you to registration and complete details once they become available each year. Information is also posted each year on the Walnut Creek District’s website under 4-H Youth Development.
Smith Center FFA Livestock Judging Invite
Smith Center FFA invites 4-H members to participate in their annual livestock judging contest each spring at the Smith County Fairgrounds. Contact Monica Wagner at mwagner@usd237.com for details. Travel and fees are the responsibility of the participant. Event Flyer
County Fair Judging Contests
Many county fairs include livestock, life skills, and other judging contests. Sometimes the contest is only open to youth in the respective county, and other times it is open to others. If you are interested in county fair opportunities, contact your local Extension Office and we can help research opportunities near you. Travel and fees are the responsibility of the participant.
Northwest 4-H Life Skills Judging Kits
Extension 4-H professionals in Northwest Kansas counties collaborate each year to provide grab-and-go judging kits. The kits include judging classes related to a variety of life skills and project areas. These can be reserved free of charge for local, county, district, and regional use. If you are interested in using a kit for your 4-H club please contact your local Extension Office. Advance notice is needed so we can help reserve the kit, arrange for it to be transported to your community, work with you to review and select classes, and prepare paperwork for participants to use during judging.
Kansas 4-H Photography Judging Kits
The Kansas 4-H Photography Action Team has photography judging kits that can be checked out. They are a grab-and-go style of judging kit. The kits include photography judging classes and a photography quiz. These can be reserved for local, county, district, and regional use. If you are interested in using a kit for your 4-H club please contact your local Extension Office. Advance notice is needed so we can help reserve the kit, arrange for it to be transported to your community, work with you to review and select classes, and prepare paperwork for participants to use during judging. Learn more at the State 4-H Photography Judging Contest website.
Kansas 4-H State Horticulture Judging Contest
The State 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest takes place annually in Manhattan on the K-State Campus. The contest is hosted by the Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources.
You can find all event details and study materials posted on the Kansas 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest website. Many resources can be helpful for horticulture and plant science related contests at any level.
There is a pre-entry requirement, as outlined in the event rules. You must communicate with your local Extension Office if you are interested in registering!
Kansas 4-H Livestock Sweepstakes
The Kansas 4-H Livestock Sweepstakes take place in August on the K-State campus in Manhattan. It includes the state 4-H livestock judging contest, meat judging contest, livestock skill-a-thon, and livestock quiz bowl in one action-packed weekend.
You can find all event details and study materials posted on the K-State Youth Livestock Program’s Livestock Sweepstakes website. Many resources can be helpful for livestock related contests at any level.
There is a pre-entry requirement, as outlined in the event rules. You must communicate with your local Extension Office if you are interested in registering!
Kansas 4-H State Photography Judging Contest
A photography judging contest gives each contestant the opportunity to judge photographs using the same criteria that 4-H photography judges use: composition, technique, and eye appeal to judge each class. The problems class and the knowledge test are geared to help the 94 4-Her solve a problem with critical thinking and to gauge their knowledge of photography.
The State 4-H Photography Judging Contest takes place during the Kansas State Fair. Contest details are shared in the Kansas 4-H State Fair Book. There is a pre-entry requirement for teams and individuals, as outlined in the fair book. You must communicate with your local Extension Office if you are interested in registering!
The State 4-H Photography Judging Contest website has a variety of resources to help youth prepare for photography judging at any level.
Kansas 4-H State Crops Identification Contest
4-H Crops and Weeds Contests help 4-H members develop their skills in plant and seed identification. This activity can be a vital part of the 4-H Crops Project. When 4-H’ers become members of a team, they learn how to work with one another and to respect the differences of each individual. In addition, as they learn to identify plant and seed samples, they gain an appreciation for the importance of attention to detail and improve their decision-making skills.
The State 4-H Crops Identification Contest takes place at the Kansas State Fair. Contest details are shared in the Kansas 4-H State Fair Book. There is a pre-entry requirement for teams and individuals, as outlined in the fair book. You must communicate with your local Extension Office if you are interested in registering!
Study Resources for Crops and Weeds Identification
- USDA Plants Database, https://plants.usda.gov
- Bugwood Image Database System (Weed Images, Invasive.org, Forestry Images), http://images.bugwood.org
- Weed ID Guide, University of Missouri, https://weedid.missouri.edu
- Weed Identification, Kansas State University, https://www.agronomy.kstate.edu/extension/weed-management/weed-identification/index.html
- Weeds of the Great Plains, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, https://nda.nebraska.gov/forms/nw11.pdf
- Weeds of the North Central States, University of Illinois Bulletin 772, https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/3395
- Weeds of the Midwestern United States and Central Canada, University of Georgia Press, https://ugapress.org/book/9780820335063/weeds-of-themidwestern-united-states-and-central-canada/
- Weed Seeds of the Great Plains: A Handbook for Identification, University Press of Kansas, 2502 Westbrooke Circle, Lawrence, KS 66045, Available online.
Weed Science Society of America, https://wssa.net/wssa/weed/weedidentification/
Kansas 4-H Family and Consumer Science Judging Contest
The State 4-H Family and Consumer Science Judging Contest takes place at the Kansas State Fair. Contest details are shared in the Kansas 4-H State Fair Book. There is a pre-entry requirement for teams and individuals, as outlined in the fair book. You must communicate with your local Extension Office if you are interested in registering!
The contest is planned each year to focus on life skill development related to family and consumer sciences. Study resources and other helpful information are shared on the Kansas 4-H FCS Judging Contest website.
Kansas 4-H State Rabbit Judging Contest
The primary purpose of the Rabbit Judging Contest is to develop judging skills in those 4-H members exhibiting rabbits at the State Fair. Participation in judging and other competitive events helps 4-Hers learn to compare rabbits and make decisions. Rabbit judging provides an excellent opportunity for 4-Hers to learn about a variety of rabbits and apply their knowledge of the ARBA Standards of Perfection.
The State 4-H Rabbit Judging Contest takes place during the Kansas State Fair and it is open to any member exhibiting rabbits in the 4 H Division at the Kansas State Fair. Contest details are shared in the
Kansas 4-H State Fair Book
.You must communicate with your local Extension Office if you are interested in registering!
Study Resources for Rabbit Judging
Sample Rabbit Scoresheet
Kansas 4-H Rabbit project webpage
National Rabbit Curriculum
Kansas 4-H State Poultry Judging Contest
The primary purpose of the poultry judging contest is to develop 4-H club members. Participation in judging and other competitive events helps 4-Hers learn to make and defend decisions and to speak in public. Poultry judging provides an excellent opportunity for 4-Hers to learn about live chickens and the basis of grade and quality of poultry products.
The State 4-H Poultry Judging Contest takes place during the Kansas State Fair. Contest details are shared in the
Kansas 4-H State Fair Book
.You must communicate with your local Extension Office if you are interested in registering!
Study Resources for Poultry Judging
National 4-H Poultry Judging Contest Manual
Market Poultry Grading