4-H Event Scholarships

4-H Event ScholoarshipsMany 4-H Councils and local 4-H clubs in the Post Rock District provide scholarship opportunities to deserving 4-H members. These awards financially support youth as they attend regional, state and national 4-H events such as Rock Springs 4-H Camp, Discovery Days, Citizenship Washington Focus, and more! These scholarship awards are made possible by generous donations from 4-H supporters and fundraising. We are very appreciative of these gifts, and we know all recipients will utilize them with honor and pride!

The information listed is not a complete listing of event scholarship opportunities across the Post Rock District. It is recommended to reach out to your 4-H Club Leader and 4-H Program Coordinator to explore 4-H event scholarships you may be eligible for. Pay close attention to application procedures and deadlines!

Jewell County 4-H


Mitchell County 4-H

Mitchell County 4-H Council Event Scholarship Application (pdf form fillable)


Lincoln County 4-H

Lincoln County 4-H Boosters State 4-H Annual Event Scholarship Application (pdf form fillable)

Lincoln County 4-H Self Determined Scholarship Application (pdf form fillable)


Osborne County 4-H
Osborne County 4-H Event Scholarship (pdf form fillable)


Smith County 4-H

Smith County 4-H Event Scholarship 12 and Under

Smith County 4-H Event Scholarship 13 and Over