Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Program

Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national, multi-species youth livestock quality assurance program that covers food safety, animal well-being, and character development.

It is a great learning experience for youth involved in any livestock project! The class is required to be completed annually by all Kansas State Fair Grand Drive and Kansas Junior Livestock Show participants.

  • Learn more about YQCA at the K-State Youth Livestock Program website.
  • YQCA training can be completed online or by attending an in-person class. Each program year, Post Rock District Staff will offer an in-person training opportunity that aligns with the expectations set forth by the K-State Youth Livestock Program.
  • If your club would like an in-person YQCA training, contact your local Post Rock District Office. Blaire Todd, Livestock Production Agent, or Risa Overmiller, 4-H Program Coordinator, can assist with your questions and getting an in-person class scheduled.
  • Sign up in advance for all classes and pay your fee at



  • Help Guide for Registering for a YQCA Class PDF
  • There will be an in-person YQCA training after 4-H Day in Beloit on February 8. Blaire Todd, LivestockProduction Agent, will be leading this training. Email questions to Participantsneed to sign-up in advance. To do so, members need to log into their YQCA account, go to “enrolledtraining”, and select the course labeled “Beloit 4-H Day Training”. Members will be able to enroll andpay for the course online. Participants also need to take a pre-test online before attending the in-person training! YQCA is a livestock quality assurance program that covers food safety, animal well-being, and character development. It is a great learning experience for youth involved in anylivestock project!