Sandra's Current Newspaper Column


Sandra in fieldSandra Wick

Crop Production Agent




Do you Have Your 2025 Kochia Management Plans Covered?

Recent KSU research suggests that kochia can begin emerging in early February, with most kochia emerging by late April.

Now is the Time to Have a Farmland Transition Plan!

The simple goal is to make family communications about the future of the farm easier, more satisfying, and more effective for family members of all ages.

Wheat with Sulfur Deficiency

Could your Wheat be Showing Sulfur Deficiency?

In recent years, sulfur (S) deficiency in wheat has become more common in many areas of Kansas, particularly in no-till wheat.

Applying Anhydrous

Fall Fertilizer

The practice of fall fertilizer application has been commonly used by producers according to Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, K-State Research and Extension Soil Fertility specialist.

Fall armyworm

Be on the lookout for insects in your newly emerged wheat!

K-State Research and Extension has an excellent publication, “Wheat Insect Management 2024” available online or in any of the Post Rock Extension District offices