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Post Rock District



Farmland Leasing Arrangements

Could Your Wheat be Showing Sulfur Deficiency?

Do you Have Weed Management Plans for 2023?

Could Sulfur Deficiency be a Problem in Your Already Drought-Stressed Wheat?

How Did the Wheat Handle the Latest Colder Temperatures?

Is Winter a Good Time to Apply Anhydrous Ammonia Fertilizer to my Crop Fields?

Now is the Time to Have a Farmland Transition Plan!

Do you Have Weed Management Plans for 2022?

Be on the Lookout for a Trio of Insects in Wheat and Alfalfa this Spring!

Don't Forget to Call "811" BEFORE repairing fence from the wind and fires!



Is There Some Yellowing in Your Fields?

When is the Best Time for a Fungicide Application to Your Wheat Crop?

Do you have weed management plans for 2024?

What are Some Guidelines to Follow with Your Soybean Crop?

Condition of the Wheat

What is the Disease Outlook for the 2023 Wheat Crop?

Fusarium Head Blight or Head Scab in Wheat



Plan Your Pre-Emergence Weed Control In Your Wheat Ground!

Fall Armyworm Moths Making An Appearance In Kansas

Post Rock Extension District “Recorded” Wheat Plot Tour

Don't forget about controlling volunteer wheat this summer!

Do you have a plan for controlling weeds in your wheat stubble?

Post Rock Extension District “Recorded” Wheat Plot Tour

Managing Wheat streak mosaic virus with controlling volunteer wheat



Is it Safe to Apply Nitrogen in the Fall to Fields to be Planted Next Spring?

Sampling for the Soybean Cyst Nematode is Important

What Are The Risks of Planting Wheat Early?

Controlling volunteer wheat important NOW!

What are the Guidelines to Follow when Planting Wheat Late?

What are the Risks of Planting Wheat Early?

Gearing up for 2023 Wheat Crop

Now is the time to plan your fall-applied herbicides!

Wheat Seed Size for Drilling

Musk Thistle Control

Worms and More Worms