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Blaire Todd Livestock Production AgentBlaire Todd

Livestock Production Agent



Planning for the Third Trimester

Feed costs are high this year, but strategic supplementation can pay off in calf weaning weight.


Body Condition Scoring - A Herd Management Tool

Body Conditioning Scoring also has more value when it is done on the same group of cows at multiple times during the production year.

Two angus newly weaned calves

Preparing calves, understanding how much dry feed calves will likely consume and developing a feeding strategy/plan is one of the best ways to ensure success in the weaning pen.

Forage Analysis

Testing your forages is a good practice to implement into your yearly plans, but especially during a year with an impacted forage crop. As the old saying goes “don’t guess…test”.

Cattle Feeding

The objective of analytical testing of forages and feedstuffs is to improve our ability to meet the animal’s nutrient requirements and ultimately predict animal performance.