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Post Rock District

Beloit Office
(785) 738-3597

Lincoln Office
(785) 524-4432

Mankato Office
(785) 378-3174

Osborne Office
(785) 346-2521

Smith Center Office
(785) 282-6823

Building Strong Families

The Building Strong Families educational resource is available for our local school districts and educational environments to distribute to students and families. The resource is a tool to help community members of all ages meet health and wellness goals. Please contact a Post Rock District Office if you would like to discuss distributing this monthly resource in your educational environment.



From Hen to Home

Kansas is home to many chickens on farms both big and small. Chickens can be raised for egg production and provide us with a nutritional product. In this Building Strong Families Insert, you'll learn how eggs get from the farm to the grocery store! by Blaire Todd, Livestock Agent
Eat a Whole Plant
It's time to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. In this issue of Building Strong Families, you will learn about vegetables that come from all parts of the plant. We also provided a step-by-step guide to successfully growing broccoli in your garden. Enjoy the warm weather and sunshine! by Cassie Thiessen, Horticulture Agent
Wheat Growth

Agriculture is Important to You

Agriculture is all around us in northcentral Kansas! Wheat is growing in the fields
and soon corn and soybeans along with grain sorghum will be planted.
Let's focus on the corn crop and how it is important to us. by Sandra Wick, Crop Production Agent

February Building Strong Families Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids


Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids

Identity theft is when someone pretends to be another person by taking that persons personal information. Some information should be kept private and not shared with anyone without parents permission. by Brenda Langdon, Family Resource Management Agent
Building Strong Families Healthy Eating For Families

Healthy Eating for Families

When deciding on foods and veverages, choose options tht are full of nutrients and limited in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium by Jamie Rathbun, Family and Community Wellness Agent

Dairy Production in Kansas

Dairy Production in Kansas

"Kansas is home to 173,000 milk cows and ranks 16th in the United States for milk production." by Blaire Todd, Livestock Agent
Conflict Management

Conflict Management

Conflict is natural. Everyone experiences it in their relationships and daily lives. No one agrees on
everything or gets along with each other all the time. Follow these five tips to help overcome conflict,
work through negative feelings, and manage challenging situations in a healthy way. by Nora Rhoades, Youth Development Agent 

Spark Curiosity in Kids
4-H clubs are a network of families that grow great kids. Through working together, families share knowledge and interests to help kids learn valuable skills. by Nora Rhoades, Youth Development Agent 
Healthy Home Healthy Kids Image
Home represents a place of safety, security, and shelter where families come together. Protection from harmful exposures, can make important contributions to health. by Brenda Langdon, Family Resource Management Agent