

Sandra WickSandra Wick

Crop Production Agent


Plot Tours

The Post Rock Extension District is a very diverse cropping district with major crops including corn, grain sorghum, hay, soybeans and wheat.

K-State Research and Extension is an excellent resource to help producers with their questions on variety selection, fertility management, weed control recommendations along with disease and insect management. We have provided for you several links to our extensive K-State Research and Extension publications that are a “click” away with documented research for your cropping enterprises.

We are here for YOU to provide research-based information to help make decisions in your cropping operation. This might be through individual consultation, a farm visit or simply a phone call, email or text.

We offer a variety of crop production workshops, updates, and tours throughout the year. Many are held annually, but some are rotated every few years.

Stay Connected


Examples of Current Programs

  • Wheat Plot Tour
  • Fertility Management Workshop
  • Weed Control update meeting
  • North-Central Belleville/Hays Experiment Field Days

Still Have Questions?

Contact your local K-State Research and Extension Office for more information.

On Farm Research

If you have any interest in setting up an on-farm research demonstration plot to determine what population rate, fertilizer rate, or other agronomic question you may have, contact us and we can help design, set-up, and analyze the data collected from your plot. Below is a list of the most recent on-farm research in our district:

-Sensor based nitrogen studies in wheat

-Wheat phosphorus studies

-Wheat variety trials

Demonstration Plot Results

Each year we cooperate with producers to find a plot of land, gather seed, and plant demonstration plots. With the ever increasing number of varieties farmers have to choose from, the plots exhibit how the variety performs locally that year. We strive to find a wheat test plot every year in each of our counties, however, we may also have a spring row crop test plot if a cooperator Notes are taken and harvest data is collected and shared to help producers make decisions on which varieties may work best on their farm the following year. “Seeing is believing” is a unique concept with Crop Demonstration Test plots that are utilized in our Extension district. So if you are interested, don’t hesitate to give me a call.

2024 wheat demonstration test plots

Leasing Arrangements Survey

The Post Rock Extension District conducts a Leasing Arrangements Survey in the counties of Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, and Smith counties each year. The most recent leasing survey was completed in November/December 2023. Each county randomly mailed/emailed 50-75 surveys to landowners/tenants in each of the counties with each township represented.

The “online” surveys were also conducted in Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne and Smith counties and were summarized with the overall report.

The surveys were then compiled and summarized in individualized county reports along with a district report.

2024 Post Rock Extension District Leasing Survey reports.